Alternatives to the Phrase “Put Simply”
We often use the phrase “put simply” to denote that we are about to simplify a complex topic or idea. It’s a useful phrase, but it can become monotonous if overused, particularly in written or formal contexts. Don’t fret, though. There are numerous alternatives that can add diversity to your language. In this article, I’m going to share a variety of synonyms or alternative phrases that can be used in place of “put simply.”

In Simple Terms
Starting off with a straightforward alternative, “in simple terms” serves as an excellent substitute for “put simply.” This phrase implies that a complex idea or term is going to be broken down into more basic, easy-to-understand language. For instance, you can write, “In simple terms, photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food.”
To Simplify
The phrase “to simplify” works well as an alternative. It is direct and gets straight to the point, letting your audience know that a simplified explanation is forthcoming. An example could be, “To simplify, quantum physics explores the behavior of particles on the smallest scales.”
In Layman’s Terms
“In layman’s terms” is a common phrase used to simplify technical or complex subjects, typically those understood by professionals in a field but not by the general public. For instance, you might say, “In layman’s terms, climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.”
Plainly Speaking
“Plainly speaking” is another viable option. It implies that you’re about to deliver an explanation free of complex jargon or technical language. It can be used in a sentence like: “Plainly speaking, inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.”
In a Nutshell
“In a nutshell” is an idiom that means to describe something as briefly as possible or to get to the crux of the matter. For example, you can say, “In a nutshell, democracy is a form of government in which power is given to the people.”
Simply Put
A slight variation of “put simply” and “simply put” serves the same purpose but with a slight twist in phrasing. It’s a great way to mix things up a bit. An example of its usage would be: “Simply put, artificial intelligence is the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.”
In Essence
“In essence” is another good alternative. It means getting to the core or the heart of the matter. This phrase works well when you want to distill a complex idea down to its basic, fundamental elements. You might say, “In essence, the theory of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers.”
To Sum Up
Finally, “to sum up” can be used when you’re providing a simplified summary or conclusion of a complex topic. For example, “To sum up, photosynthesis is how plants convert sunlight into energy.”
Recap and Final Thoughts
To wrap up, here’s a summary of the alternatives to “put simply” we’ve discussed:
- In simple terms
- To simplify
- In layman’s terms
- Plainly speaking
- In a nutshell
- Simply put
- In essence
- To sum up
Language is a versatile tool. It provides us with numerous ways to express the same idea, which can help keep our speech and writing fresh and engaging. Remember, it’s essential to understand your audience and the context in which you’re communicating to choose the right phrase. So next time you’re about to write or say “put simply,” consider using one of these alternatives to add some variety to your language. Happy communicating!
Further Reading: Other Ways to Say “One of the Most Common”